What is to become of me?

A moment of prayer... 

“A moment of prayer..." posts allow you to borrow a prayer when you have no words of your own.

(Halee Wood journals many of her prayers. Originally prayed on 9/23/16 almost one year after leaving a life-long career in the oil industry to focus on motherhood and ministry.)

"[Andrew] brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, 'You are Simon the son of John; You shall be called Cephas [translated Peter - the Rock].'" John 1:42


What a beautiful and powerful moment...You named him for what you knew he would become! What am I to become? What have you named me?

Heavenly Father, may I have humility before You today... knowing I am not all that I am to become. Convict my heart of sin... help me to recognize it, grapple with it, and lay it at Your feet. Show me my fears and insecurities and teach me to rely on You completely. Teach me to put down my idols so that I may know You fully and completely.

You are God alone, for You have the power, might and willingness to restore me to the person You created me to be. You have fought and been victorious regarding every battle on my behalf. If You are for me, then who or what can be against me?

What is to become of me? I think I know... I am the one that will shout Your name from the roof top because You had instilled a purpose for my life even before I was knit in my mother's womb. You are the one that, despite all the twists and turns I incorporated into this story, has restored me and will continue to do a good work in me until the end... which will actually be the beginning of all eternity.

Even though I don't see it within myself, I accept the name You have placed on me. I am a woman that has ears to hear, a heart to love and edifying words of truth to share with the world.



Additional Reading:


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash