
Posts include personal experiences and insight for those simply looking to strengthen an already strong marriage OR for those facing very difficult times.


There are currently no interviews available for this category.



Hope Restored: (866) 875-2915

  • Retreat/Marriage intensive for couples in crisis; some scholarships available

Weekend to Remember: (800) 358-6329

  • Whether you are wanting to invest in an already healthy marriage or your marriage is deeply struggling, this retreat will provide encouragement, hope and practical tools to build and grow your marriage.
  • Use group name "RonWoodGroup" for discounts. Also search for discounts for military and pastors.

Focus on the Family:

  • Podcasts, radio broadcasts, articles, counselor referrals, book recommendations

Family Life:

  • Podcasts, radio broadcasts, articles, counselor referrals, book recommendations, and a variety of events
  • EXCELLENT resources for blended families


Book: Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

  • What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?

Book: Intimate Issues: 21 Questions Christian Women Ask About Sex by Linda Dillow and Lorrain Pintus

Book: For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn

Book: For Women Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn

Article: Money, Marriage, and Communication

  • Find more information on healthy money management with Dave Ramsey