The One Who Sustains

Devotional: Applying the Bible to my today.

Read: Psalm 145

What visual comes to mind when I say the word "Sustain"?


Did you have thoughts of something being "held up" (i.e. the snack sustained us until dinner) or "beat down" (i.e. she sustained a broken leg)? Sustain is a contronym, a word with two meanings that are the opposite of one another.


Collectively we sustained many hardships and wounds over the past few years, haven't we? For me, I've sustained new wounds and old wounds. I said goodbye to my dear friend Pam, my sister, Briana, and some other friends and relatives. As my speaking ministry has grown this past year, some triggers and emotional pain that I wasn't anticipating crept in... it scared me, and it hurt. What have you sustained?


"The Lord sustains all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due time. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing." Psalm 145:14-16


For everything that we sustain, there is ONE who sustains, but unlike the snack that will sustain us until dinner - His sustenance will completely satisfy. I am quick to remember and feel the weight of what I have sustained, but there are many many moments between each of these wounds. What happened in that space and time? I had food on the table, air in the tires, and money in the account. There were arms wrapped around me in love, ears that listened, and cards that came in the mail. Let's not forget my hands and feet that worked and served, lungs that converted oxygen, and a mind that dreamed. Oh, yea - there was the vacation to see family, splashing in the water with my kids, and laughing until I cried with my husband. There were also words in a book written thousands of years ago that somehow pertained to my very circumstances, prayers that were answered, forgiveness for the moments I treated others poorly, a power that filled me each day, and a Father that went before me.  What happened in your space and time between sustaining your wounds?


"On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderul works, I will meditate." Psalm 145:5


Sustain... when we sustain, He sustains. When we sustain, He sustains more. This has always been. It will always be. Let hope arise, my friends. We are in good and gracious hands.


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4 thoughts on “The One Who Sustains”

  1. I’m thankful for the world he gives us to sustain ourselves and each other in our daily toils he sustains me with food and water , He sustains me with a job sustains me with love most of all !!

    1. I really like how you added “and each other”… it can sometimes feel like there’s not enough to sustain us until we take into account all He’s given us within the body of Christ. Thank you, Jim!

  2. Love your list of sustainable moments between wounds. So easy to forget, and sometimes reject, these when the wounds are so deep. But the words that I love the most in this post are, “When we sustain, He sustains more.” There is so much comfort in this, Halee. Thank you.

    1. THANK YOU, Dianne! There is so much comfort in this for you and me both.

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