GUEST POST by Carolyn Dale Newell
Carolyn, an accomplished speaker and writer, lives with blindness, but she calls her disability a gift from God. She shares her stories of vulnerability and conquered fears through her writing and speaking. Please read more about Carolyn and learn how to connect with her at the end of today's devotional.
Devotional: Applying the Bible to my today.
Read: Ephesians 3:14-21, Focus on verse 20
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,” Ephesians 3:20, NKJV
Everything in life has boundaries: our homes, our yards, our budget, and our bodies. Signs along the interstate remind us about the speed limits. Credit cards have spending limits. One area in life has no limits—our prayers. We pray to an infinite God.
Paul penned these words to convey the limitless power of our Lord; he says that God is able. Don’t skip over those three little words. God possesses the ability to do anything He desires. He is able to do all we think or ask, but Paul goes even further. God is able to do above all of that. Even more, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we think or ask.
My friend, our God is able to do the unthinkable. I’ve witnessed this repeatedly in my life, but when God gave me Iva, my guide dog, He opened more doors than I ever imagined possible.
After a weekend trip to Gatlinburg in March 2017, we realized Iva and I could vacation alone. I loved the idea of a few days in the mountains to do some writing.
Before our solo trip, my husband Timmy and I prepared for hours on several weekend trips. We stayed in the same hotel. The same room. Iva learned the grounds and we knew how to get to several restaurants, including Iva’s favorite—Starbucks, for a pup cup (whipped cream).
Then the big day arrived in August. Timmy loaded us up with groceries, and drove home. The beautiful Great Smoky Mountains towered over our balcony as I pounded out words on my laptop.
Timmy returned to Tennessee in time to join me for a gospel event at the convention center. Navigating inside the convention center was challenging. A long corridor with many doors provided many opportunities to make the wrong choice. Unable to depend on sight to choose the correct door, I listened for the hum of escalators and drink machines to indicate our doorway. Of course, Iva knows her turn, but I must recognize it too.
I didn’t apply for a guide dog to go out of state for a writing retreat, but God does exceedingly abundantly above all we think or ask.
But wait! There’s more! Look at the rest of that verse:
“… according to the power that works in us.”
The power resides in you and me. Our homes are bound by the number of gadgets we can plug into our outlets. Too much usage and a breaker blows. When we plug into God, through prayer, the power is immeasurable.
God never operates on low-power mode.
Allow this verse to encourage you today. Let it reignite your prayer life. Storm the gates of heaven and remind God that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you think or ask, and hold Him to it. Expect no less than His inexhaustible power.
Pray big! He’s a big God.
Dear God, thank You for hearing my prayers. Lord, this problem seems unsurmountable, but You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can think or ask. I believe that, and I leave this in Your hands. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Carolyn Dale Newell resides in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her husband, Tim, and beautiful guide dog, Iva - a black lab adored by all. Digging deep into Scripture and discovering truth to share with her readers is her passion. She loves reading, pizza, and discovering new independence with Iva. Learn more about Carolyn on her website and connect with her through Facebook, where she presents weekly devotions live (and you will likely catch glances of sweet Iva).
Purchase Carolyn's most recently published book, Walking by Faith Not Sight, on her website or on Amazon. Other great reads by Carolyn include:
- Faith, Freedom and 4 Paws: Seeing God Through Iva's Eyes
- Overcoming the Overwhelming: Walking in Victorious Faith When You Don't Feel Victorious
- Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feeling and Our Faith
- Incense Rising: 60 Days to Powerful Prayer.
Feature Photo by Marek Levák on Unsplash
Loved this one so much! I look forward to all of Carolyn’s posts and blogs And I love how Iva is a part of her writing.
I totally agree! She is so gifted and such an encourager – and Iva is a super bonus. Thank you for being here, Teresa!
I love that God never operates in low power mode and that His power is in me. Thanks for the reminder and for the inspiration!
Thank you, Michele! That was one of my favorite lines as well.