When our brokenness seems to be winning, what reason do we have to believe God will bridge the divide and answer our cries for help?
Join me today in a very short chapter of Psalms where David shares his reason for hope.
When our brokenness seems to be winning, what reason do we have to believe God will bridge the divide and answer our cries for help?
Join me today in a very short chapter of Psalms where David shares his reason for hope.
One last hoo-rah…
How can a very diverse group of people, with very diverse opinions and needs come together in the midst of conflict and answering difficult questions? This question could lead to a long “how-to” article, but Jesus displayed the key factor in accomplishing this very challenging task… His way has brought people together in a bond of unity like no other. Watch today’s video with Halee Wood to learn more!
Each of our writers and editors have found it an honor to come alongside you during this journey. Thank you so much for joining us!
Can you see clearly? Our vision may be fuzzy due to any number of distractions, but – pause, look around. Can you see clearly now?
Dane Tyner leads us through Matthew 6 ito improve our vision of God’s character, desire and plans to provide as a part of His great love for us.
We are a people with a long history of celebrating together, and we have a God who encourages it!
Gabrielle Green highlights the different ways Jews and Christians have celebrated throughout history and provides some ideas to continue that tradition today.
In today’s devotional, Halee Wood focuses on how to plan and set goals for the days ahead in a way that brings glory to God and fulfillment to our hearts.