What do locusts and lent have to do with loss and trauma?
Join me in today’s post to read how we can approach our loss and trauma from a place of victory.
What do locusts and lent have to do with loss and trauma?
Join me in today’s post to read how we can approach our loss and trauma from a place of victory.
Need an uplifting story? Read a small part of Katie’s* story.
(*Name changed for anonymity. Story shared with her permission.)
Katie is not running her race alone, and you don’t have to either!
I’m not sure how long this post will take to read, certainly longer than the normal 3-5 minutes. It is long, but it contains something that has been sitting on the deepest parts of my heart for years, so I hope you’ll take the plunge. Whatever you would need me to say to get you to read, pretend like I just said that!
So what is the topic? Unplanned pregnancy and abortion. Please don’t run away; this is truly an article for everyone to take part in, whether you are pro-choice or pro-life or think it doesn’t pertain to you at all. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Imagine coming face to face with a roaring river. Who, in their right might, would just trudge through it rather than finding a way around or over it?
When dealing with suffering or shame, it seems most logical to just go around it, but is it true that “what you resist persists”? Join me for some Biblical insight into facing the raging river head on, helping us avoid lingering, generational consequences and pain.
One year ago, I said goodbye to my dad, and it has hit me hard. Why is it that when one grief surfaces, so many others come flooding back?
This post is full of raw emotion, but it is a “must read” through to the end…