The Upper Hand

A moment of prayer... 

“A moment of prayer..." posts allow you to borrow a prayer when you have no words of your own.

(Halee Wood journals many of her prayers. Originally prayed on March 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.)

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot comprehend it." John 1:5

These words are music to my ears, playing over and over, "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot comprehend it." I believe in Your power and might. I believe You are at work. I believe the darkness is going to be in complete shock when it realizes You have had the upper hand this whole time - that You will take this mess and grow us, shape us, and do something incredibly beautiful.

Father, help me to do the things You are empowering me to do... to serve You, serve my family and neighbors, and to love well. Help me to not feel overwhelmed. May there be a revival amongst Your people, bringing hope to those who don't yet know You.

I need You, Lord, as my heart and mind are often out of sorts. Help me to lay aside things that are entangling me so that I may run this race by Your goodness and not by my own efforts. May my eyes be focused completely on You.

Calm our hearts... may the nation and world recognize our reliance on You. Heal us, O God. May fears be wiped away as we see you more clearly.

To accomplish anything of real value eludes me, but You are always at work. Everything that you send forth is successful and accomplishes what You desire. I lean heavily on You today, knowing my own plans are worth nothing but Yours are life giving.

I love You, Lord, and I life my voice to worship You, O my soul, REJOICE! Take joy, my King, in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.


Additional Reading:


Featured Photo Credit: Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

1 thought on “The Upper Hand”

  1. Halee, my earth Angel! Thank you!!! Praying with you is so wonderful! You help me find the words I want to say when I pray! I know God knows exactly what I am thinking and wanting to say to Him, but, I want to say it right, so I know I am praying in my mind what I want Him to hear!

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