Disgruntled Voter

Devotional: Applying the Bible to my today.

Read: Psalm 62

I am reluctant to vote or get involved at times because I feel duped by laws and people I’ve voted for in the past, and I am sickened by political aisle fighting, even amongst many who are believers. With all my disdain, Psalm 62 convicted me to ask, “In whom and what do I put my hope? Is it truly in God alone or is it in the laws of this country and the government?”  

Brian Jennings, in his book Dancing in No Man’s Land, wrote:

“[The American church has] turned partisan agendas into makeshift idols, and the world noticed. The world saw us rip candidates of one party for immoral behavior, only to excuse wretchedness from candidates from our party of choice. They saw us slant facts to win arguments. They saw us attack people-actual human beings. We showed our cards. Political victories mattered more than integrity and love.”  

Try standing on something that is not meant to be stood on. You may be able to do it, but it’s unstable and often a slippery slope. What lengths might you or I  go to in order to remain standing – must we sacrifice biblical and moral standards? Standing on a rock not only allows us to stand confidently, but it also allows us to provide a hand to someone else who may be sinking around us.

If Christ is not my rock, my hope, then I will often vote in fear or uncertainty, and I will always end up feeling let down. Politicians are people. Our government is made up of dysfunctional human beings, who were voted in by dysfunctional human beings (that’s me!). If we truly believe power belongs to God, then we can prayerfully and confidently head to the polls. Yes, these people will let us down at times, but we can still honor and encourage our leaders while standing firmly on truth. God’s got this. Our nation is not without hope, and, even better, this world is not without hope.

  • In whom or what have you placed your hope today?
  • Have you sacrificed any moral or biblical standards to stand on a slippery slope, politically or otherwise? If so, what steps can you take to get back on solid ground?

“He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 62:6

Father God, I desperately pray for Your church, that we will choose You above all else. Forgive us for idolizing and trusting people and things that were often meant to be a blessing and gift from You, yet we have chosen to stand on them instead. We are often so afraid of being wrong or of someone putting down “our side”, that we miss out on treating others with love. We at times accept oppression and lies in order to save face. We will forgo acknowledging someone’s suffering and grief unless it is personally or politically beneficial. O, please forgive us for not trusting and obeying You. Thank You for being our rock and our salvation. Because of You, we still have hope despite the messes we’ve made. Amen.

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