The Simple Marriage

Something beautiful happened for us during the pandemic - Ron and I learned how beneficial it can be when we serve couples together. Ron is an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) and an LADC (Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor), and I am a Certified Life and Relationship Coach.

Our credentials are technically what "qualify" us to serve couples, but credentials don't provide heart and soul. So what makes us love what we do and desire to serve other couples?

When we entered into marriage almost 18 years ago - it was bliss! Both of us had done our fair share of screwing up relationships or abiding in unhealthy ones, but, prior to our meeting, we each had a huge shift in our relationship with Jesus. We were laser focused on Him, which changed our hearts and minds on how we perceived ourselves and romantic relationships.

As we wrapped up our first official date all those years ago, Ron asked if he could pray with me. He asked God, in that moment, if we could some day serve other couples together as we had been served - I knew what he meant; he wanted to serve truth, grace, and hope to those who had once felt incapable of having a healthy and enduring relationship. I wanted that, too.

Our marriage has endured much suffering, including the after effects of my sexual abuse and the death of our son. Meandering these tragedies has resulted in an intimacy with one another that we did not anticipate, and it grew our desire to serve couples even more. We know that not all such tragedies result in intimacy for couples, so we want to share our professional, personal and ministry experience in a way that will breathe life into dry bones (that will never happen by our power, but by the power given to us by the Holy Spirit!).

As we have grown professionally and personally in our marriage, we have unearthed incredible resources and have unwrapped what once seemed like mystery surrounding God's plan for marriage. Many of these concepts and resources definitely helped heal us, but tragedy doesn't have to strike for these things to nourish marriages! What a wonderful opportunity it is to strengthen a marriage that is already resolute.

So here we are - it may appear that through the pandemic we stumbled into serving couples together, but I believe it was something planted in our hearts 20 years ago and has been in the making since. Now, we have officially launched "The Simple Marriage" - a place where we build upon the basic principles of a healthy, godly marriage. Life can be complicated, but marriage is made simple(r) and extravagant when couples live by these principles.

The Simple Marriage is a subset to our business/ministry "Run the Race Together." Through it, we are excited to be offering these services:

Free Private Facebook Page

Here we will share tips, principles, and education to equip you and your spouse to have a more fulfilling and crazy awesome marriage. This is also a place you can share your experiences and ask questions to get insight and encouragement! Sign up for our group here.

Private Couple's Coaching

The private couple's coaching is the most individualized service we offer. Meeting with a qualified husband-wife team is such a unique and valuable opportunity; this is an investment you'll never regret.

Our standard coaching package is 12 sessions in 4 months. We greatly appreciate and value marriage retreats, but couples often re-spark the flame, learn a ton, and get motivated to make changes, only to find themselves back to old patterns a short time later. A four month commitment, in the midst of regular life, allows each partner time to create lasting healthy, habits. All sessions are done through Zoom and are, of course, confidential! Learn more about private coaching here.

Virtual Workshops - Coming soon!

The Simple Marriage workshop will be coming soon. It will be very similar to what is taught in private coaching except it won't be as individualized because you will come alongside other couples. There will be a maximum of 6 couples in this group, and it will be held virtually. We plan to have this workshop launch in the spring.

Men and Women's Groups

At times we will offer groups specifically geared toward women or specifically geared towards men. Ron will facilitate the men's groups, and I will facilitate women's groups. Topics covered in these groups will vary, but the focus will always be on enhancing the relationship. For example, I am currently facilitating a group for married women called "Hey Ladies! Let's Talk Sex and Marriage." We are learning about God's design for sex in marriage alongside gaining very practical ideas for bringing new life into our sexual relationships with our husbands... it has been wonderful (we are 6 weeks in). We will continue to advertise these groups as they become available.

We absolutely want to hear from you. What is helpful to your relationship growth? What is holding you back? What do you hope we will talk about?

For those who have shared with us at Run the Race Together - don't worry! It is still our mission to come along side you during difficult or challenging circumstances - my mind never stops stirring on the things I have and continue to learn, which pours out through my "pen" and onto these pages. I still love sitting in the coaching and mentoring seat with individual men and women, watching them rebuild their lives after loss and trauma or make an amazing plan for an upcoming transition in their life... and I especially love watching people rediscover their dreams after they've been stuck.

Ron and I are so overwhelmed with gratitude that we get to be here with you... that we get to witness God's incredible plans for wholeness and restoration. You are so loved and cherished. Thank you for letting us enter your lives.