“The plant” is no exceptional plant, but it has a story!
Come read today’s story, and comment with your answer to the closing question!
“The plant” is no exceptional plant, but it has a story!
Come read today’s story, and comment with your answer to the closing question!
Do fleas ever have purpose? It is hard to find value in such horrid creatures.
Join me in today’s devotion reading as I share a lesson learned from God’s word and from Corrie and Betsie ten Boom – two Christian women who risked their lives for Jews in the midst of the Holocaust.
Raise your hand if you are so over everything (pause while all readers raise their hands). I am, too.
Today’s Bible history lesson highlights natural human nature when we are “done” with the roller coaster of events. Use today’s story to raise your awareness and build a strategy for a successful journey!
How in the world can Noah and his ark give us insight about all the conflicting opinions/emotions regarding whether to get back out among society or stay put? Join Halee Wood to gain perspective from this childhood-favorite Bible story.
What valley are you going through today? The ups and downs of any journey can be dark and scary, but join Dave Dunson for a very good reminder of why we have no reason to fear.