Need an uplifting story? Read a small part of Katie’s* story.
(*Name changed for anonymity. Story shared with her permission.)
Katie is not running her race alone, and you don’t have to either!
Need an uplifting story? Read a small part of Katie’s* story.
(*Name changed for anonymity. Story shared with her permission.)
Katie is not running her race alone, and you don’t have to either!
Raise your hand if you are so over everything (pause while all readers raise their hands). I am, too.
Today’s Bible history lesson highlights natural human nature when we are “done” with the roller coaster of events. Use today’s story to raise your awareness and build a strategy for a successful journey!
When our brokenness seems to be winning, what reason do we have to believe God will bridge the divide and answer our cries for help?
Join me today in a very short chapter of Psalms where David shares his reason for hope.
Do you have looming questions regarding God or your circumstances like I do? Journey with me to discover how these questions can be a huge faith builder!
Imagine coming face to face with a roaring river. Who, in their right might, would just trudge through it rather than finding a way around or over it?
When dealing with suffering or shame, it seems most logical to just go around it, but is it true that “what you resist persists”? Join me for some Biblical insight into facing the raging river head on, helping us avoid lingering, generational consequences and pain.