No Limits

Who is that person in your life that consistently reminds you of God’s awesomeness?

Carolyn, whom I met through the Red House Writer’s Collective, definitely checks that box for me!

Her love and faith in God are SO contagious. She is an accomplished writer and speaker… and, did I mention, she is blind? May Carolyn’s life be a testimony to each of us – that the love, grace and power of God has absolutely no limits despite our perspective of insurmountable circumstances.

Allow Carolyn Dale Newell and her amazing guide dog, Iva, to steal your heart and encourage you through today’s devotion. I am so grateful for her willingness to share her time and talents with us.


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Help me…

Today’s post is a “Moment of Prayer” – designed to take less than 1 minute. This prayer was originally prayed by Halee almost two weeks after the death of their son.

If you are grieving, maybe you can connect with these words – if you are not, please pray these words on behalf of a grieving person.

Sometimes the only words we can utter to God in the midst of grief is, “Help me…”

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