Devotional: Applying the Bible to my today.

Read: Psalm 130:1-8

WHAT IF... the reason society, in general, often feels like we are missing out on something is because we were designed/created with an internal churning for something greater than we can do on our own? Why might we be designed with such a desire? If we are created with that churning inside us, then is there such a thing as healthy FOMO?


FOMO is the uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you're missing out - that your peers are doing, in the know about, or in possession of more or something better than you. It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013 and to Merriam-Webster in 2016.  FOMO is robustly linked to higher levels of social media engagement, but, to some extent, it has always existed even outside of the realm of the electronics world. Just in the past few days I've been helping someone who has recently become homeless; I felt a touch of FOMO, my mind stirring, assuming someone out there knows better how to fix this desperate situation; I was itching to connect with someone, anyone. Though there are wise, experienced people I can turn to for help, I have already done that, but the answer they provided was not what I wanted... so I continued to stir because I feel like I am failing my friend.

One study suggests that those who experience FOMO first struggle with a level of unhappiness and life dissatisfaction, so, in order to scratch the "unhappiness" itch, people often turn to social media. The problem is that it actually makes you (and me) feel worse! Brain science confirms the (not so great) physical response to our involvement with social media and other outlets. Researchers, parents, employers, teachers, and sometimes even we as individuals are all grasping to alleviate FOMO in order to bring people or ourselves back to reality rather than incessant involvement in and checking up on an outside, false world.

For the remainder of this article, I am going to suggest that it is to our benefit that we have FOMO in regards to the work of the Lord. When we desperately long for Him and to be a part of what He is doing, we will find ourselves in a whirlwind of fulfillment that will ultimately stop all unhealthy FOMO in its tracks. For example, it is not wrong for me to search for a solution for my homeless friend, but rather than stirring, stirring, stirring to find a solution through my own thoughts or through someone else, what if instead I had such a fear of missing out on what God is doing through this situation and His plan for restoration that I instead longed to praise Him, seek Him, listen for Him knowing that, from the depths of my being, that He alone has the wholistic answer for her needs. It would alleviate my worry, my stirring, and the misnomer that I am the savior in this situation. Not only is it to my benefit that I have FOMO in this circumstance, but it is to my friend's benefit... think of the clarity and insight I can gain from that type of focus and listening to the Creator of the universe.

The writer of Psalm 130 expresses a desire to be heard, convicted of sin, and to be forgiven. Then comes the most beautiful expression of healthy FOMO:

"I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than the watchmen for the morning; Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning."

The soul is the deepest part of his being, and the original Hebrew words for wait and hope in this verse allude to absolute expectation; therefore, the writer is, from the deepest part of his being, longing, expectantly waiting for and anticipating all the benefits that can come only from the Lord. His longing is even greater than a night guard that desperately desires the relief of day break.

Why might the night guard so desperately desire day break? He was possibly the keeper of the city; therefore, he may have important information regarding the security of the city to provide to the leaders, and he anxiously awaits being able to take action. He was possibly the night watch over the dying, thus the night could have been full of affliction, suffering and sorrow. Either way, the night guard desperately longs for the first signs that light will again visit the world, but not anymore than the writer's anticipation of the ray of goodness and redemption from God.

Fear never comes from the Lord, so FOMO may not really be the best term, but most of us can relate to that feeling of unrest and stirring to be in the know or someplace that counts. What if that perpetual stirring drove us to wait and be on the lookout for the works of God and chomp at the bit to join Him in that work?

Nope. I'm good.

God is always at work, but we do not always recognize the work or we choose to not be involved because of discomfort or inconvenience - this is calloused Christianity. So what difference is it if we are involved or not?

1. He will do His thing, with or without you.

In Esther chapter 4, Esther, the Queen, learns of a plot to demolish her people - the Jews. Mordecai, Esther's relative, is pleading with her to use her status with the King to stage an intervention. Esther waivered because anyone who showed up uninvited before the King could be put to death, but Mordecai's response was chilling yet true, "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"

Essentially, Mordecai told Esther that God was going to save the Jews with or without her, but she had to make a choice of whether she wanted to be involved in the experience. Even in regards to worship, if we choose not to proclaim and cry out His name it will still be accomplished by the stones and all creation (Luke 19:39-40, Roman 1:20).

2. You can do nothing apart from Him.

Try taking one single breath apart from the One who created you. Impossible. Without this breath you can do nothing.

We have a necessary and constant dependence upon the Creator for all the actions of natural and divine life. It is in His divine power that we live, move and have our being. Apart from Him we can not have justification or sanctification, and we certainly cannot do anything of lasting value (John 15:5). If we choose to only intermittently listen and respond, at some point we may no longer be able to hear (Amos 8:11-12). The harshest reality is that we will die apart from Him, quite possibly while we are still alive (John 12:23-25).

Fear of missing out on...

If we are not constantly on the look out, ready and willing to jump into His work, then what are we missing out on?

1. Absolute goodness that can only be obtained through His supernatural presence.

Because He created us, He knows EXACTLY what we need to be ALIVE and He has what it takes to make it happen no matter where we are and no matter our circumstances..

-- "For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light." Psalm 36:9

-- "You hide [Your goodness] in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues. Blessed be the Lord, For He has made marvelous His loving-kindness to me in a besieged city."

2. Cultivated dreams.

God is not glorified by making our puny plans succeed. He is glorified when He plants and cultivates huge, God-sized dreams in our hearts and then makes them happen. When the Apostle Paul was praying for the church of Ephesus, he said it best, "[God] is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us..." Ephesians 3:20.

We have the tiniest inkling of His capabilities so we can't dream up the cool stuff He has ready at His fingertips. Just recently I had been praying for an older friend who had been wrongly fired from a job. I had prayed many things for him: reconciliation, retirement, a new job. Though I prayed for him a new job, I never dreamed of the job opportunity that came his way; it was not in the same field, yet it perfectly aligns with his gifts and skills. It was beyond all that we had hoped.

Even on a larger scale, He cultivates dreams in us that are beyond our life span. Consider Abraham and Sara. They dreamed of becoming parents and God promised they would have a son that would be a part of His plan to save the world. At a ripe old age, Sara gave birth to a son, but it wasn't until long after their death that Jesus entered the picture through their blood line. Abraham and Sara definitely reaped the temporary reward through God's faithfulness and work, but the world as a whole benefited from His great purpose.

3. Being rid of distorted outlooks.

Human perspective is deficient at best. Details of the past, present and future of every individual involved is something only He knows; therefore, spiritual truths and perspective can only be revealed by God.

-- "'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived' - the things God has prepared for those who love Him - these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NIV)

At first glance, it may seem like God isn't giving you supernatural perspective, but He does it in a way and time in which we can bear them. Prior to our son's death, I had several dreams, that, in hind sight, I know He was preparing me for healthy grieving, but if He would have revealed to me that Elliot was going to die, I'm not sure how I would have responded. Knowing He prepared me in advance actually grew my faith in His plans for the days following.

-- "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you." John 16:12-14

4. Winning EVERY single time.

Personal "logic" (not wisdom) is basically laughable when we humbly acknowledge His thoughts and ways. The Holy Spirit is constantly interceding for us, searching our hearts and the heart of God, and then He transforms our hearts to desire and accomplish the things of God (Romans 8:26-28). There is not a single circumstance in this world or out of this world - not trouble, hard times, hatred, hunger, homelessness, threats, backstabbing, abuse or unthinkable demons can separate us from the love of God or the victory He has in store for us (Romans 8:35-39).

Time and time again, I have personally proven that my ways fail, but His ways NEVER fail. What would you have a willingness to do if you knew you could not fail?

5. Unity/power of THE church.

From the first day of establishing "the Church", incredible, miraculous things were happening (Acts 2:41-47); there was unity and awe among so many from different nations and backgrounds, all needs were being met through inner generosity and faith, and the number of believers were growing at an astonishing rate. The bible clearly indicates that this same awe and wonder will continue into eternity (Revelation 7:7-12).

What does "the Church" look like right now, in between the beginning church and the one displayed in the book of Revelation?

  • If you look anywhere there is suffering, the Church is there meeting needs - whether it is mentoring, afterschool programs, feeding the poor, providing medical care in third-world countries, or providing for needs after a natural disaster - the Church is on the ground making a difference.
  • When our son passed away, "the Church" looked like numerous faces next to my hospital bed, meals and groceries brought to our home for weeks on end, and listening and compassionate ears for YEARS.
  • For those within a committed church environment, it looks like giving or receiving a wheel chair ramp, payment of an electric bill, prayer, love, compassion, and supernatural sacrifice/blessings.

Even the miraculous still occurs today. While leading Celebrate Recovery, God put on the hearts of our leaders to stop asking our attendees for financial donations for the dinners we provided every week. It seemed impossible to stay financially afloat if people weren't paying for their meals. After becoming obedient to His request, our Celebrate Recovery group became financially independent from our host church while actually assisting them financially for some much needed maintenance, and we routinely helped attendees with practical needs apart from their recovery. How is that possible? The power of the Holy Spirit through the body of Christ - that's how (John 14:12, 16-17).

But I just don't feel it.

Most of us don't consciously choose "calloused Christianity", but it seeps in over time. It may be that you want to have that deep longing to experience Him, see His work and get involved in it, but you're just not feeling it. My suggestion is to start simple. Every morning when you wake up and hit that alarm button, make your first words be to Him. Say something like:

  • I want to "want to" do Your work today.
  • I want to KNOW You more today.
  • I want more of You and less of me today.

After you commit your desire to Him, be on the look out. He will honor your willingness, your faith, your seeking. The Holy Spirit reveals Himself in so many ways. Very often, He responds by first revealing His character, and as your faith and desire grows He reveals His purpose and way.

Why reveal His character first? Because once we believe from the depths of our soul that He is who He says He is and is capable of all He claims, then we are much more willing to jump on-board for His purpose and way. Be on the look out with great expectancy that He is on the move.

  • What types of things cause you to churn, squirm and stir and feel left out?
  • Where do you turn when your mind is stirring or if you are feeling left out or not in the "know"?
  • What is God teaching you about Himself? If you're not sure, dig into His Word, look around at creation, consider things in your life that seem like "coincidence".
  • Is there anything currently in your life that may be hindering your ability to hear God or see His work? What is the next right thing for you to do to remove that hinderance?



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